
    env_or_file: str,
    file_location: str | None = '',
    filter_dict: dict[str, list[str | None] | set[str | None]] | None = None
) -> list[dict[str, typing.Any]]

Retrieves a list of API configurations from a JSON stored in an environment variable or a file.

This function attempts to parse JSON data from the given env_or_file parameter. If env_or_file is an environment variable containing JSON data, it will be used directly. Otherwise, it is assumed to be a filename, and the function will attempt to read the file from the specified file_location.

The filter_dict parameter allows for filtering the configurations based on specified criteria. Each key in the filter_dict corresponds to a field in the configuration dictionaries, and the associated value is a list or set of acceptable values for that field. If a field is missing in a configuration and None is included in the list of acceptable values for that field, the configuration will still be considered a match.

env_or_fileThe name of the environment variable, the filename, or the environment variable of the filename that containing the JSON data.

Type: str
file_locationThe directory path where the file is located, if env_or_file is a filename.

Type: str | None

filter_dictA dictionary specifying the filtering criteria for the configurations, with keys representing field names and values being lists or sets of acceptable values for those fields.

Type: dict[str, list[str | None] | set[str | None]] | None

Default: None
list[dict[str, typing.Any]]List[Dict]: A list of configuration dictionaries that match the filtering criteria specified in filter_dict.