# Are you wanting to create your own AG2 tool?
# You're in the right place.
my_tool = MyAmazingTool()

We’ll be getting into the AG2 code-base, it’s useful to understand how AG2 works under the hood, see this section for the rundown.

Creating a new tool in AG2 is easy and empowers any ConversableAgent-based agent in AG2.

How a tool is created

Let’s look at how the Crawl4AITool tool was implemented.

The Crawl4AITool uses a 3rd party package to crawl a website and extract information, returning the crawled data as its response.

Here’s some code from the Crawl4AITool with annotations added (current code here):

# Imports from 3rd party packages are handled with this context manager
with optional_import_block():
    from crawl4ai import AsyncWebCrawler, BrowserConfig, CacheMode, CrawlerRunConfig
    from crawl4ai.extraction_strategy import LLMExtractionStrategy

__all__ = ["Crawl4AITool"]

# Denote that this requires a 3rd party package, with "crawl4ai"
# being the namespace. Our AG2 'extra' is called "crawl4ai".
@require_optional_import(["crawl4ai"], "crawl4ai")
# Indicates where this appears in the API Reference documentation
# autogen > tools > experimental > Crawl4AITool
class Crawl4AITool(Tool): # Built on the Tool class
    Crawl a website and extract information using the crawl4ai library.
    # Ensure there's a docstring for the tool for documentation

    def __init__(
        llm_config: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None,
        extraction_model: Optional[type[BaseModel]] = None,
        llm_strategy_kwargs: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None,
    ) -> None:
        Initialize the Crawl4AITool.

            llm_config: The config dictionary for the LLM model. If None, the tool will run without LLM.
            extraction_model: The Pydantic model to use for extraction. If None, the tool will use the default schema.
            llm_strategy_kwargs: The keyword arguments to pass to the LLM extraction strategy.
        """ # Follow this docstring format
        Crawl4AITool._validate_llm_strategy_kwargs(llm_strategy_kwargs, llm_config_provided=(llm_config is not None))

        # Helper function inside init
        async def crawl4ai_helper(  # type: ignore[no-any-unimported]
            url: str,
            browser_cfg: Optional["BrowserConfig"] = None,
            crawl_config: Optional["CrawlerRunConfig"] = None,
        ) -> Any:
            async with AsyncWebCrawler(config=browser_cfg) as crawler:
                result = await crawler.arun(

            if crawl_config is None:
                response = result.markdown
                response = result.extracted_content if result.success else result.error_message

            return response

        # Crawl without an LLM
        async def crawl4ai_without_llm(
            url: Annotated[str, "The url to crawl and extract information from."],
        ) -> Any:
            return await crawl4ai_helper(url=url)

        # Crawl with an LLM, using the LLM configuration passed in
        async def crawl4ai_with_llm(
            url: Annotated[str, "The url to crawl and extract information from."],
            instruction: Annotated[str, "The instruction to provide on how and what to extract."],
            llm_config: Annotated[Any, Depends(on(llm_config))],
            llm_strategy_kwargs: Annotated[Optional[dict[str, Any]], Depends(on(llm_strategy_kwargs))],
            extraction_model: Annotated[Optional[type[BaseModel]], Depends(on(extraction_model))],
        ) -> Any:
            browser_cfg = BrowserConfig(headless=True)
            crawl_config = Crawl4AITool._get_crawl_config(

            return await crawl4ai_helper(url=url, browser_cfg=browser_cfg, crawl_config=crawl_config)

        # Initialise the base Tool class with the LLM description
        # and the function to call
            description="Crawl a website and extract information.",
            func_or_tool=crawl4ai_without_llm if llm_config is None else crawl4ai_with_llm,

And this tool can now be registered with any ConversableAgent-based agent.

Here’s how to use the Crawl4AITool:

from autogen import ConversableAgent

# Import the Tool
from autogen.tools.experimental import Crawl4AITool

config_list = [{"model": "gpt-4o-mini", "api_key": os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"]}]
llm_config = {"config_list": config_list}

# Agent for LLM tool recommendation
assistant = AssistantAgent(name="assistant", llm_config=llm_config)

# Agent for tool execution
user_proxy = UserProxyAgent(name="user_proxy", human_input_mode="NEVER")

# Create the tool, with defaults
crawlai_tool = Crawl4AITool()

# Register it for LLM recommendation and execution

result = user_proxy.initiate_chat(
    message="Get info from https://docs.ag2.ai/docs/Home",

Protecting secrets

Secrets such as password, tokens, or personal information needs to be protected from capture. AG2 provides dependency injection as a way to secure this sensitive information while still allowing agents to perform their tasks effectively, even when working with large language models (LLMs).

See the DiscordSendTool example in the Creating an Agent documentation to see how it is implemented for a tool.

See Tools with Secrets for guidance.

Where to put your code

Decide on a folder name that matches your tool name, use underscores to separate words, e.g. deep_research.

Create your tool code in a folder under autogen/tools/contrib/.

Put your tool tests in a folder under test/tools/contrib.


As a way for other developers to learn about and understand how to use your tool, it is recommended to create a Jupyter notebook that:

  • Explains what the tool is
  • How to install AG2 for the tool (e.g. with extras)
  • Has sample codes, simple to advanced
  • Notes on capabilities and limitations

As an example, here’s the notebook for the Crawl4AI tool.

3rd party packages

If your tool requires a 3rd party package to be installed, add an extra in the pyproject.toml file, for example:

twilio = [

Put the current version of the packages as the minimum version and the next major version for the less than value.

Changes to pyproject.toml cover pyautogen, autogen, and ag2 packages because they propagate automatically to setup_ag2.py and setup_autogen.py.


It’s critical that tests are created for each piece of functionality within your tool.

See this test file for the BrowserUseTool as an example.

See this documentation for how to run tests locally and coverage.

Create a Pull Request

We’re excited to review and test your new AG2 tool! Create your Pull Request (PR) here.

Set the PR as a Draft PR if you’re not ready for it to be merged into the AG2 repository.

See our Contributor Guide for more guidance.

Encapsulating the tools in an agent

If it makes sense to have an agent pre-built with your tool(s), consider creating a tool-based agent. Now, when you need your tool you can just add the agent to your workflow.

Help me get started…

Two basic agents and a tool are available in the agents and tools contrib namespaces that you can look at and use as a starting point for your own agents and tools.