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In this notebook, we’re building a workflow to extract accurate tabular data information from a PDF file.

The following bullets summarize the notebook, with highlights being:

  • Parse the PDF file and extract tables into images (optional).
  • A single RAG agent fails to get the accurate information from tabular data.
  • An agentic workflow using a groupchat is able to extract information accurately:
    • the agentic workflow uses a RAG agent to extract document metadata (e.g. the image of a data table using just the table name)
    • the table image is converted to Markdown through a multi-modal agent
    • finally, an assistant agent answers the original question with an LLM

Unstructured-IO is a dependency for this notebook to parse the PDF. Please install AG2 (with the neo4j extra) and the dependencies:

Note: If you have been using autogen or pyautogen, all you need to do is upgrade it using:

pip install -U autogen[neo4j]


pip install -U pyautogen[neo4j]

as pyautogen, autogen, and ag2 are aliases for the same PyPI package.

Set Configuration and OpenAI API Key

import os

import autogen

config_list = autogen.config_list_from_json(
        "model": ["gpt-4o"],
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = config_list[0]["api_key"]

Parse PDF file

Skip and use parsed files to run the rest. This step is expensive and time consuming, please skip if you don’t need to generate the full data set. The estimated cost is from $10 to $15 to parse the pdf file and build the knowledge graph with entire parsed output.

For the notebook, we use a common finanical document, Nvidia 2024 10-K as an example (file download link).

We use Unstructured-IO to parse the PDF, the table and image from the PDF are extracted out as .jpg files.

All parsed output are saved in a JSON file.

from unstructured.partition.pdf import partition_pdf
from unstructured.staging.base import elements_to_json

file_elements = partition_pdf(
    extract_image_block_types=["Image", "Table"],

elements_to_json(elements=file_elements, filename="parsed_elements.json", encoding="utf-8")

Create sample dataset

import json

output_elements = []
keys_to_extract = ["element_id", "text", "type"]
metadata_keys = ["page_number", "parent_id", "image_path"]
text_types = set(["Text", "UncategorizedText", "NarrativeText"])
element_length = len(file_elements)
for idx in range(element_length):
    data = file_elements[idx].to_dict()
    new_data = {key: data[key] for key in keys_to_extract}
    metadata = data["metadata"]
    for key in metadata_keys:
        if key in metadata:
            new_data[key] = metadata[key]
    if data["type"] == "Table":
        if idx > 0:
            pre_data = file_elements[idx - 1].to_dict()
            if pre_data["type"] in text_types:
                new_data["text"] = pre_data["text"] + new_data["text"]
        if idx < element_length - 1:
            post_data = file_elements[idx + 1].to_dict()
            if post_data["type"] in text_types:
                new_data["text"] = new_data["text"] + post_data["text"]

with open("proessed_elements.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
    json.dump(output_elements, file, indent=4)


If you want to skip the parsing of the PDF file, you can start here.

# This is needed to allow nested asyncio calls for Neo4j in Jupyter
import nest_asyncio


from llama_index.embeddings.openai import OpenAIEmbedding
from llama_index.llms.openai import OpenAI

from autogen import AssistantAgent, ConversableAgent, UserProxyAgent

# load documents
from autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.document import Document, DocumentType
from autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.neo4j_graph_query_engine import Neo4jGraphQueryEngine
from autogen.agentchat.contrib.graph_rag.neo4j_graph_rag_capability import Neo4jGraphCapability
from autogen.agentchat.contrib.multimodal_conversable_agent import MultimodalConversableAgent

Create a knowledge graph with sample data

To save time and cost, we use a small subset of the data for the notebook.

This does not change the fact that the native RAG agent solution failed to provide the correct answer.

input_path = "./agentchat_pdf_rag/sample_elements.json"
input_documents = [
    Document(doctype=DocumentType.JSON, path_or_url=input_path),

query_engine = Neo4jGraphQueryEngine(
    username="neo4j",  # Change if you reset username
    password="password",  # Change if you reset password
    host="bolt://",  # Change
    port=7687,  # if needed
    llm=OpenAI(model="gpt-4o", temperature=0.0),  # Default, no need to specify
    embedding=OpenAIEmbedding(model_name="text-embedding-3-small"),  # except you want to use a different model
    database="neo4j",  # Change if you want to store the graphh in your custom database

# query_engine._clear()
# Ingest data and create a new property graph
Parsing nodes:   0%|          | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Extracting paths from text with schema: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:06<00:00,  6.96s/it]
Extracting and inferring knowledge graph from text: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:06<00:00,  6.77s/it]
Generating embeddings: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  3.30it/s]
Generating embeddings: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:03<00:00,  3.54s/it]

Connect to knowledge graph if it is built

query_engine = Neo4jGraphQueryEngine(


Native RAG Agent Solution

The following shows that when use a native RAG agent for parsed data, the agent failed to get the right information (5,282 instead of 4,430).

Our best guess is that RAG agent fails to understand the table structure from text.

rag_agent = ConversableAgent(

# Associate the capability with the agent
graph_rag_capability = Neo4jGraphCapability(query_engine)

# Create a user proxy agent to converse with our RAG agent
user_proxy = UserProxyAgent(

user_proxy.initiate_chat(rag_agent, message="Could you list all tables from the document and its image_path?")
user_proxy (to nvidia_rag):

Could you list all tables from the document and its image_path?

nvidia_rag (to user_proxy):

Certainly! Here is the table from the document along with its image path:

1. Table: NVIDIA Corporation and Subsidiaries Consolidated Balance Sheets (In millions, except value)
   - Image Path: ./parsed_pdf_info/table-52-17.jpg

user_proxy (to nvidia_rag):

what is goodwill asset (in millions) for 2024?

nvidia_rag (to user_proxy):

The goodwill asset for NVIDIA Corporation in 2024 is $5,282 million.

ChatResult(chat_id=None, chat_history=[{'content': 'Could you list all tables from the document and its image_path?', 'role': 'assistant', 'name': 'user_proxy'}, {'content': 'Certainly! Here is the table from the document along with its image path:\n\n1. Table: NVIDIA Corporation and Subsidiaries Consolidated Balance Sheets (In millions, except value)\n   - Image Path: ./parsed_pdf_info/table-52-17.jpg', 'role': 'user', 'name': 'nvidia_rag'}, {'content': 'what is goodwill asset (in millions) for 2024?', 'role': 'assistant', 'name': 'user_proxy'}, {'content': 'The goodwill asset for NVIDIA Corporation in 2024 is $5,282 million.', 'role': 'user', 'name': 'nvidia_rag'}], summary='The goodwill asset for NVIDIA Corporation in 2024 is $5,282 million.', cost={'usage_including_cached_inference': {'total_cost': 0}, 'usage_excluding_cached_inference': {'total_cost': 0}}, human_input=['what is goodwill asset (in millions) for 2024?', 'exit'])

Agentic RAG workflow for tabular data

From the above example, when asked the goodwill asset (in millions) of the table NVIDIA Corporation and Subsidiaries Consolidated Balance Sheets, the answer was wrong. The correct figure from the table is $4,430 million instead of $4,400 million. To enhance the RAG performance from the tabular data, we introduce the enhanced workflow.

The workflow consists a group of agent and use groupchat to coordinate. It breaks the RAG into 3 mains steps, 1. it finds the parsed image of the corresponding table. 2. it converts the image to table in structured Markdown format. 3. With the table in Markdown, the workflow answer the question with the correct data.

llm_config = {
    "cache_seed": 42,  # change the cache_seed for different trials
    "temperature": 1,
    "config_list": config_list,
    "timeout": 120,

user_proxy = UserProxyAgent(
    system_message="A human admin.",
    human_input_mode="ALWAYS",  # Try between ALWAYS or NEVER

table_assistant = AssistantAgent(
    system_message="""You are a helpful assistant.
    You will extract the table name from the message and reply with "Find image_path for Table: {table_name}".
    For example, when you got message "What is column data in table XYZ?",
    you will reply "Find image_path for Table: XYZ"
    human_input_mode="NEVER",  # Never ask for human input.

rag_agent = ConversableAgent(

# Associate the capability with the agent
graph_rag_capability = Neo4jGraphCapability(query_engine)

img_folder = "/workspaces/ag2/notebook/agentchat_pdf_rag/parsed_pdf_info"

img_request_format = ConversableAgent(
    system_message=f"""You are a helpful assistant.
    You will extract the table_file_name from the message and reply with "Please extract table from the following image and convert it to Markdown.
    <img {img_folder}/table_file_name>.".
    For example, when you got message "The image path for the table titled XYZ is "./parsed_pdf_info/abcde".",
    you will reply "Please extract table from the following image and convert it to Markdown.
    <img {img_folder}/abcde>."

image2table_convertor = MultimodalConversableAgent(
    You are an image to table convertor. You will process an image of one or multiple consecutive tables.
    You need to follow the following steps in sequence,
    1. extract the complete table contents and structure.
    2. Make sure the structure is complete and no information is left out. Otherwise, start from step 1 again.
    3. Correct typos in the text fields.
    4. In the end, output the table(s) in Markdown.
    llm_config={"config_list": config_list, "max_tokens": 300},

conclusion = AssistantAgent(
    system_message="""You are a helpful assistant.
    Base on the history of the groupchat, answer the original question from User_proxy.
    human_input_mode="NEVER",  # Never ask for human input.
groupchat = autogen.GroupChat(
manager = autogen.GroupChatManager(groupchat=groupchat, llm_config=llm_config)
chat_result = user_proxy.initiate_chat(
    message="What is goodwill asset (in millions) for 2024 in table NVIDIA Corporation and Subsidiaries Consolidated Balance Sheets?",
User_proxy (to chat_manager):

What is goodwill asset (in millions) for 2024 in table NVIDIA Corporation and Subsidiaries Consolidated Balance Sheets?


Next speaker: table_assistant

table_assistant (to chat_manager):

Find image_path for Table: NVIDIA Corporation and Subsidiaries Consolidated Balance Sheets


Next speaker: nvidia_rag

nvidia_rag (to chat_manager):

The image path for the table titled "NVIDIA Corporation and Subsidiaries Consolidated Balance Sheets" is "./parsed_pdf_info/table-52-17.jpg".


Next speaker: img_request_format

img_request_format (to chat_manager):

Please extract table from the following image and convert it to Markdown.
<img /workspaces/ag2/notebook/agentchat_pdf_rag/parsed_pdf_info/table-52-17.jpg>.


Next speaker: image2table_convertor

image2table_convertor (to chat_manager):

Here is the extracted table from the image in Markdown format:

|                                          | Jan 28, 2024 | Jan 29, 2023 |
| **Assets**                               |              |              |
| Current assets:                          |              |              |
| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Cash and cash equivalents | $7,280       | $3,389       |
| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Marketable securities  | $18,704      | $9,907       |
| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Accounts receivable, net | $9,999       | $3,827       |
| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Inventories            | $5,282       | $5,159       |
| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Prepaid expenses and other current assets | $3,080       | $791         |
| Total current assets                     | $44,345      | $23,073      |
| Property and equipment, net              | $3,914       | $3,807       |
| Operating lease assets                   | $1,346       | $1,038       |
| Goodwill                                 | $4,430       | $4,372       |
| Intangible assets, net                   | $1,112       | $1,676       |
| Deferred income tax assets               | $6,081       | $3,396       |


Next speaker: conclusion

conclusion (to chat_manager):

The goodwill asset for NVIDIA Corporation as of January 28, 2024, is $4,430 million.


Next speaker: User_proxy

User_proxy (to chat_manager):

What is the total current assets from the table NVIDIA Corporation and Subsidiaries Consolidated Balance Sheets?


Next speaker: table_assistant

table_assistant (to chat_manager):

The total current assets from the table "NVIDIA Corporation and Subsidiaries Consolidated Balance Sheets" are $44,345 million as of January 28, 2024.


Next speaker: nvidia_rag

nvidia_rag (to chat_manager):

Yes, that's correct! The total current assets for NVIDIA Corporation and Subsidiaries as of January 28, 2024, are $44,345 million, according to the table "NVIDIA Corporation and Subsidiaries Consolidated Balance Sheets." If you have any more questions or need further details, feel free to ask!


Next speaker: img_request_format

img_request_format (to chat_manager):

Great, if you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!
