Agents gain significant utility through tools as they provide access to external data, APIs, and functionality.

In AG2, using tools is done in two parts, an agent suggests which tools to use (via their LLM) and another executes the tool.

In a conversation the executor agent must follow the agent that suggests a tool.

In the swarm example above, we attached tools to our agents and, as part of the swarm, AG2 created a tool executor agent to run recommended tools. Typically, you’ll create two agents, one to decide which tool to use and another to execute it.

from datetime import datetime
from typing import Annotated

from autogen import ConversableAgent, register_function

llm_config = {"model": "gpt-4o-mini"}

# 1. Our tool, returns the day of the week for a given date
def get_weekday(date_string: Annotated[str, "Format: YYYY-MM-DD"]) -> str:
    date = datetime.strptime(date_string, "%Y-%m-%d")
    return date.strftime("%A")

# 2. Agent for determining whether to run the tool
date_agent = ConversableAgent(
    system_message="You get the day of the week for a given date.",

# 3. And an agent for executing the tool
executor_agent = ConversableAgent(

# 4. Registers the tool with the agents, the description will be used by the LLM
    description="Get the day of the week for a given date",

# 5. Two-way chat ensures the executor agent follows the suggesting agent
chat_result = executor_agent.initiate_chat(
    message="I was born on the 25th of March 1995, what day was it?",

  1. Here’s the tool, a function, that we’ll attach to our agents, the Annotated parameter will be included in the call to the LLM so it understands what the date_string needs.

  2. The date_agent will determine whether to use the tool, using its LLM.

  3. The executor_agent will run the tool and return the output as its reply.

  4. Registering the tool with the agents and giving it a description to help the LLM determine.

  5. We have a two-way chat, so after the date_agent the executor_agent will run and, if it sees that the date_agent suggested the use of the tool, it will execute it.

    executor_agent (to date_agent):
    I was born on the 25th of March 1995, what day was it?
    >>>>>>>> USING AUTO REPLY...
    date_agent (to executor_agent):
    ***** Suggested tool call (call_iOOZMTCoIVVwMkkSVu04Krj8): get_weekday *****
    >>>>>>>> EXECUTING FUNCTION get_weekday...
    Call ID: call_iOOZMTCoIVVwMkkSVu04Krj8
    Input arguments: {'date_string': '1995-03-25'}
    executor_agent (to date_agent):
    ***** Response from calling tool (call_iOOZMTCoIVVwMkkSVu04Krj8) *****
    >>>>>>>> USING AUTO REPLY...
    date_agent (to executor_agent):
    It was a Saturday.

Alternatively, you can use decorators to register a tool. So, instead of using register_function, you can register them with the function definition.

@date_agent.register_for_llm(description="Get the day of the week for a given date")
def get_weekday(date_string: Annotated[str, "Format: YYYY-MM-DD"]) -> str:
    date = datetime.strptime(date_string, '%Y-%m-%d')
    return date.strftime('%A')