
class FalkorGraphRagCapability(GraphRagCapability)

The FalkorDB GraphRAG capability integrate FalkorDB with graphrag_sdk version: 0.1.3b0. Ref: https://github.com/FalkorDB/GraphRAG-SDK/tree/2-move-away-from-sql-to-json-ontology-detection

For usage, please refer to example notebook/agentchat_graph_rag_falkordb.ipynb


def __init__(query_engine: FalkorGraphQueryEngine)

initialize GraphRAG capability with a graph query engine


def add_to_agent(agent: UserProxyAgent)

Add FalkorDB GraphRAG capability to a UserProxyAgent. The restriction to a UserProxyAgent to make sure the returned message does not contain information retrieved from the graph DB instead of any LLMs.