LiteLLM is an open-source, locally run proxy server providing an OpenAI-compatible API. It supports various LLM providers, including IBM’s WatsonX, enabling seamless integration with tools like AG2.

Running LiteLLM with WatsonX requires the following installations:

  1. AG2 – A framework for building and orchestrating AI agents.
  2. LiteLLM – An OpenAI-compatible proxy for bridging non-compliant APIs.
  3. IBM WatsonX – LLM service requiring specific session token authentication.


Before setting up, ensure Docker is installed. Refer to the Docker installation guide. Optionally, consider using Postman to easily test API requests.

Installing WatsonX

To set up WatsonX, follow these steps:

  1. Access WatsonX:

    • Sign up for
    • Create an API_KEY and PROJECT_ID.
  2. Validate WatsonX API Access:

    • Verify access using the following commands:

Tip: Verify access to watsonX APIs before installing LiteLLM.

Get Session Token:

curl -L ""
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
-d "grant_type=urn%3Aibm%3Aparams%3Aoauth%3Agrant-type%3Aapikey"
-d "apikey=<API_KEY>"

Get list of LLMs:

curl -L ""
-H "Authorization: Bearer <SESSION TOKEN>"

Ask the LLM a question:

curl -L ""
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Accept: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer <SESSION TOKEN>" \
-d "{
  \"model_id\": \"google/flan-t5-xxl\",
  \"input\": \"What is the capital of Arkansas?:\",
  \"parameters\": {
    \"max_new_tokens\": 100,
    \"time_limit\": 1000
  \"project_id\": \"<PROJECT_ID>"}"

With access to watsonX API’s validated you can install the python library from here.

Installing LiteLLM

To install LiteLLM, follow these steps:

  1. Download LiteLLM Docker Image:

    docker pull


    Install LiteLLM Python Library:

    pip install 'litellm[proxy]'
  2. Create a LiteLLM Configuration File:

    • Save as litellm_config.yaml in a local directory.
    • Example content for WatsonX:
        - model_name: llama-3-8b
        # all params accepted by litellm.completion()
        model: watsonx/meta-llama/llama-3-8b-instruct
        api_key: "os.environ/WATSONX_API_KEY"
        project_id: "os.environ/WX_PROJECT_ID"
    - model_name: "llama_3_2_90"
        model: watsonx/meta-llama/llama-3-2-90b-vision-instruct
        api_key: os.environ["WATSONX_APIKEY"] = "" # IBM cloud API key
        max_new_tokens: 4000
  3. Start LiteLLM Container:

    docker run -v <Directory>\litellm_config.yaml:/app/config.yaml -e WATSONX_API_KEY=<API_KEY> -e WATSONX_URL= -e WX_PROJECT_ID=<PROJECT_ID> -p 4000:4000 --config /app/config.yaml --detailed_debug

Installing AG2

AG2 simplifies orchestration and communication between agents. To install:

  1. Open a terminal with administrator rights.
  2. Run the following command:
pip install ag2

If you have been using autogen or pyautogen, all you need to do is upgrade it using:

pip install -U autogen


pip install -U pyautogen

as pyautogen, autogen, and ag2 are aliases for the same PyPI package.

Once installed, AG2 agents can leverage WatsonX APIs via LiteLLM.

phi1 = {
    "config_list": [
            "model": "llama-3-8b",
            "base_url": "http://localhost:4000", #use for Macs
            "price" : [0,0]
    "cache_seed": None,  # Disable caching.

phi2 = {
    "config_list": [
            "model": "llama-3-8b",
            "base_url": "http://localhost:4000", #use for Macs
            "price" : [0,0]
    "cache_seed": None,  # Disable caching.

from AG2 import ConversableAgent, AssistantAgent

jack = ConversableAgent(
    "Jack (Phi-2)",
    system_message="Your name is Jack and you are a comedian in a two-person comedy show.",

emma = ConversableAgent(
    "Emma (Gemma)",
    system_message="Your name is Emma and you are a comedian in two-person comedy show.",

chat_result = jack.initiate_chat(emma, message="Emma, tell me a joke.", max_turns=2)