
    name: str,
    system_message: str | None = 'You are a helpful AI Assistant.',
    llm_config: dict | Literal[False] | None = None,
    functions: list[typing.Callable] | Callable = None,
    is_termination_msg: Callable[[dict], bool] | None = None,
    max_consecutive_auto_reply: int | None = None,
    human_input_mode: Literal['ALWAYS', 'NEVER', 'TERMINATE'] = 'NEVER',
    description: str | None = None,
    update_agent_state_before_reply: list[Callable | autogen.UPDATE_SYSTEM_MESSAGE] | Callable | autogen.UPDATE_SYSTEM_MESSAGE | None = None,

Swarm agent for participating in a swarm.

SwarmAgent is a subclass of ConversableAgent.

Additional args: functions (List[Callable]): A list of functions to register with the agent. update_agent_state_before_reply (List[Callable]): A list of functions, including UPDATE_SYSTEM_MESSAGEs, called to update the agent before it replies.

namename of the agent.

Type: str
system_messagesystem message for the ChatCompletion inference.

Type: str | None

Default: ‘You are a helpful AI Assistant.‘
llm_configllm inference configuration.

Please refer to OpenAIWrapper.create for available options.

When using OpenAI or Azure OpenAI endpoints, please specify a non-empty ‘model’ either in llm_config or in each config of ‘config_list’ in llm_config.

To disable llm-based auto reply, set to False.

When set to None, will use self.DEFAULT_CONFIG, which defaults to False.

Type: dict | Literal[False] | None

Default: None
functionsType: list[typing.Callable] | Callable

Default: None
is_termination_msga function that takes a message in the form of a dictionary and returns a boolean value indicating if this received message is a termination message.

The dict can contain the following keys: “content”, “role”, “name”, “function_call”.

Type: Callable[[dict], bool] | None

Default: None
max_consecutive_auto_replythe maximum number of consecutive auto replies.

default to None (no limit provided, class attribute MAX_CONSECUTIVE_AUTO_REPLY will be used as the limit in this case).

When set to 0, no auto reply will be generated.

Type: int | None

Default: None
human_input_modewhether to ask for human inputs every time a message is received.

Possible values are “ALWAYS”, “TERMINATE”, “NEVER”.

(1) When “ALWAYS”, the agent prompts for human input every time a message is received.

Under this mode, the conversation stops when the human input is “exit”, or when is_termination_msg is True and there is no human input.

(2) When “TERMINATE”, the agent only prompts for human input only when a termination message is received or the number of auto reply reaches the max_consecutive_auto_reply.

(3) When “NEVER”, the agent will never prompt for human input.

Under this mode, the conversation stops when the number of auto reply reaches the max_consecutive_auto_reply or when is_termination_msg is True.

Type: Literal['ALWAYS', 'NEVER', 'TERMINATE']

Default: ‘NEVER’
descriptiona short description of the agent.

This description is used by other agents (e.g.

the GroupChatManager) to decide when to call upon this agent.

(Default: system_message)

Type: str | None

Default: None
update_agent_state_before_replyType: list[Callable | autogen.UPDATE_SYSTEM_MESSAGE] | Callable | autogen.UPDATE_SYSTEM_MESSAGE | None

Default: None

Static Methods


    chat: dict[str, typing.Any],
    recipient: autogen.ConversableAgent,
    messages: list[dict[str, typing.Any]],
    sender: autogen.ConversableAgent,
    config: Any,
    trim_n_messages: int = 0
) -> None

Process carryover messages for a nested chat (typically for the first chat of a swarm)

The carryover_config key is a dictionary containing: “summary_method”: The method to use to summarise the messages, can be “all”, “last_msg”, “reflection_with_llm” or a Callable “summary_args”: Optional arguments for the summary method

Supported carryover ‘summary_methods’ are: “all” - all messages will be incorporated “last_msg” - the last message will be incorporated “reflection_with_llm” - an llm will summarise all the messages and the summary will be incorporated as a single message Callable - a callable with the signature: my_method(agent: ConversableAgent, messages: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> str

chatThe chat dictionary containing the carryover configuration

Type: dict[str, typing.Any]
recipientThe recipient agent

Type: autogen.ConversableAgent
messagesThe messages from the parent chat

Type: list[dict[str, typing.Any]]
senderThe sender agent

Type: autogen.ConversableAgent
configType: Any
trim_n_messagesThe number of latest messages to trim from the messages list

Type: int

Default: 0

Instance Methods


add_functions(self, func_list: list[typing.Callable]) -> 
func_listType: list[typing.Callable]


    func: Callable,
) -> 

Add a single function to the agent, removing context variables for LLM use

funcType: Callable


    messages: list[dict] | None = None,
    sender: autogen.Agent | None = None,
    config: autogen.OpenAIWrapper | None = None
) -> tuple[bool, dict]

Pre-processes and generates tool call replies.

This function:

  1. Adds context_variables back to the tool call for the function, if necessary.
  2. Generates the tool calls reply.
  3. Updates context_variables and next_agent based on the tool call response.
messagesType: list[dict] | None

Default: None
senderType: autogen.Agent | None

Default: None
configType: autogen.OpenAIWrapper | None

Default: None


register_hand_off(self, hand_to: list[autogen.ON_CONDITION | autogen.AFTER_WORK] | autogen.ON_CONDITION | autogen.AFTER_WORK) -> 

Register a function to hand off to another agent.

hand_toA list of ON_CONDITIONs and an, optional, AFTER_WORK condition

Type: list[autogen.ON_CONDITION | autogen.AFTER_WORK] | autogen.ON_CONDITION | autogen.AFTER_WORK


register_update_agent_state_before_reply(self, functions: list[typing.Callable] | Callable | None) -> 

Register functions that will be called when the agent is selected and before it speaks. You can add your own validation or precondition functions here.

functionsA list of functions to be registered.

Each function is called when the agent is selected and before it speaks.

Type: list[typing.Callable] | Callable | None