(In preview) A proxy agent for the user, that can execute code and provide feedback to the other agents.
UserProxyAgent is a subclass of ConversableAgent configured with human_input_mode
and llm_config
to False. By default, the agent will prompt for human input every time a message is received.
Code execution is enabled by default. LLM-based auto reply is disabled by default.
To modify auto reply, register a method with register_reply
To modify the way to get human input, override get_human_input
To modify the way to execute code blocks, single code block, or function call, override execute_code_blocks
, and execute_function
methods respectively.
Name | Description |
name | name of the agent. Type: str |
is_termination_msg | a function that takes a message in the form of a dictionary and returns a boolean value indicating if this received message is a termination message. The dict can contain the following keys: “content”, “role”, “name”, “function_call”. Type: Callable[[dict], bool] | None Default: None |
max_consecutive_auto_reply | the maximum number of consecutive auto replies. default to None (no limit provided, class attribute MAX_CONSECUTIVE_AUTO_REPLY will be used as the limit in this case). The limit only plays a role when human_input_mode is not “ALWAYS”. Type: int | None Default: None |
human_input_mode | whether to ask for human inputs every time a message is received. Possible values are “ALWAYS”, “TERMINATE”, “NEVER”. (1) When “ALWAYS”, the agent prompts for human input every time a message is received. Under this mode, the conversation stops when the human input is “exit”, or when is_termination_msg is True and there is no human input. (2) When “TERMINATE”, the agent only prompts for human input only when a termination message is received or the number of auto reply reaches the max_consecutive_auto_reply. (3) When “NEVER”, the agent will never prompt for human input. Under this mode, the conversation stops when the number of auto reply reaches the max_consecutive_auto_reply or when is_termination_msg is True. Type: Literal['ALWAYS', 'NEVER', 'TERMINATE'] Default: ‘ALWAYS’ |
function_map | Mapping function names (passed to openai) to callable functions. Type: dict[str, typing.Callable] | None Default: None |
code_execution_config | config for the code execution. To disable code execution, set to False. Otherwise, set to a dictionary with the following keys: - work_dir (Optional, str): The working directory for the code execution. If None, a default working directory will be used. The default working directory is the “extensions” directory under “path_to_autogen”. - use_docker (Optional, list, str or bool): The docker image to use for code execution. Default is True, which means the code will be executed in a docker container. A default list of images will be used. If a list or a str of image name(s) is provided, the code will be executed in a docker container with the first image successfully pulled. If False, the code will be executed in the current environment. We strongly recommend using docker for code execution. - timeout (Optional, int): The maximum execution time in seconds. - last_n_messages (Experimental, Optional, int): The number of messages to look back for code execution. Default to 1. Type: dict | Literal[False] Default: {} |
default_auto_reply | the default auto reply message when no code execution or llm based reply is generated. Type: dict | str | None Default: ” |
llm_config | llm inference configuration. Please refer to OpenAIWrapper.create for available options. Default to False, which disables llm-based auto reply. When set to None, will use self.DEFAULT_CONFIG, which defaults to False. Type: dict | Literal[False] | None Default: False |
system_message | system message for ChatCompletion inference. Only used when llm_config is not False. Use it to reprogram the agent. Type: str | list | None Default: ” |
description | a short description of the agent. This description is used by other agents (e.g. the GroupChatManager) to decide when to call upon this agent. (Default: system_message) Type: str | None Default: None |
**kwargs | Please refer to other kwargs in ConversableAgent. |
Class Attributes