
    system_message: str | None = '"You are a helpful assistant. You quantify the output of different tasks based on the given criteria.\n    The criterion is given in a json list format where each element is a distinct criteria.\n    The each element is a dictionary as follows {"name": name of the criterion, "description": criteria description , "accepted_values": possible accepted inputs for this key}\n    You are going to quantify each of the crieria for a given task based on the task description.\n    Return a dictionary where the keys are the criteria and the values are the assessed performance based on accepted values for each criteria.\n    Return only the dictionary, no code.',
    description: str | None = 'An AI agent for quantifing the performance of a system using the provided criteria.',

An agent for quantifying the performance of a system using the provided criteria.

system_messageType: str | None

Default: ‘“You are a helpful assistant. You quantify the output of different tasks based on the given criteria.\n The criterion is given in a json list format where each element is a distinct criteria.\n The each element is a dictionary as follows {“name”
descriptionType: str | None

Default: ‘An AI agent for quantifing the performance of a system using the provided criteria.‘

Class Attributes