
    name: str,
    system_message: tuple[str, list] | None = 'You are an AI agent and you can view images.',

(In preview) A class for generic conversable agents which can be configured as assistant or user proxy.

After receiving each message, the agent will send a reply to the sender unless the msg is a termination msg. For example, AssistantAgent and UserProxyAgent are subclasses of this class, configured with different default settings.

To modify auto reply, override generate_reply method. To disable/enable human response in every turn, set human_input_mode to “NEVER” or “ALWAYS”. To modify the way to get human input, override get_human_input method. To modify the way to execute code blocks, single code block, or function call, override execute_code_blocks, run_code, and execute_function methods respectively.

nameagent name.

Type: str
system_messagesystem message for the ChatCompletion inference.

Please override this attribute if you want to reprogram the agent.

Type: tuple[str, list] | None

Default: ‘You are an AI agent and you can view images.‘
**kwargsPlease refer to other kwargs in ConversableAgent.